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New in 纳帕 Valley in 2020: Where To 吃, 保持, Sip & 商店

  • Guides
  • on DECEMBER 16, 2019
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New in 纳帕 Valley in 2020: Where To 吃, 保持, Sip & 商店

<水疗中心n class="author">By Jess L和er <水疗中心n class="date">December 16, 2019

纳帕 Valley is the kind of place that never goes stale, 因为你可以每年都来,还能发现新的住宿地点, 味道, 吃, 和 shop. 从新的城市品酒室,你可以步行到一站式的R&R和零售疗法,我们让你轻松规划2020年ag体育正规度假. 这里有一些最好的新景点可以添加到你的行程中.


The Setting Inn | Bob McClenehan
The Setting Inn, Courtesy of The Setting Inn | Bob McClenehan

如果你想在葡萄酒之乡的中心寻找一个宁静的度假胜地, The Setting Inn fits the bill. This renovated, 1901年的白色农舍,从小镇驱车或骑上免费的电动自行车即可到达 纳帕AG体育平台. During the rainy winter months, the cozy, oversized rooms with soaking tubs, h吃ed floors, 和 fireplaces deliver all the warmth you’ll need. But when the sun is out, 你可能会想花你的停机时间啜饮葡萄酒从设置酒店的许多户外休息区之一, enveloped by vineyards: on your private patio, the communal deck, the gr和 lawn, or within the chic, indoor/outdoor red barn. 奖励:所有客人都可以坐下来品尝设置葡萄酒, which famously sold one of its bottles for $350,000 at a charity auction in 2017.

After years of construction, the new Four Seasons Resort 和 Residences 纳帕 Valley on the edge of downtown Calistoga 最终将于2020年开业,最早将于7月接受预订. Expect a pool, 水疗中心, multiple dining options, 和 even a winery, run by top 纳帕 Valley winemaker Thomas River Brown, 在他的职业生涯中,有23次被葡萄酒评论家罗伯特·帕克评为100分. 许多房间都有葡萄园的景色,可以看到帕利塞德山脉.

Tasting Rooms Renewed

Cakebread Cellars酒店中心| Rocco Ceselin
蛋糕酒窖的接待中心,图片由 Cakebread | Rocco Ceselin

2019年底,ag体育正规的两家老牌酒庄开设了令人惊叹的新游客中心. The iconic Cakebread Cellars in Rutherfordag体育正规的其他酒庄中脱颖而出, 它的新酒店中心设有九个设计独特的品酒室, each assigned a different tasting experience. For example, 您可以选择在发酵大厅内品尝红葡萄酒或白葡萄酒, surrounded by Cakebread’s gorgeous concrete eggs, 或者在一间有玻璃墙的房间里享用美食和美酒.

在卡内罗斯,新建的5000平方英尺的游客中心位于 Bouchaine Vineyards 雄伟地矗立在美丽起伏的风景中. 设计成半圆形,有一面墙的窗户和一个宽敞的露台(配有火坑)。, 这里的景色让酒庄最受欢迎的黑比诺(pinot noirs)在寒冷或下雨天也能与之媲美, the interior is incredibly cozy.

纳帕’s New Urban 酒ries

WALT's 纳帕 tasting room | WALT 酒s
WALT's 纳帕 tasting room, Photo Courtesy of WALT 酒s

繁华的纳帕市中心最近迎来了几家新的品酒室. St. Helena美国的阿尔法欧米茄酒庄(Alpha Omega 酒ry)在市中心开设了第二家分店 Alpha Omega Collective, 该公司还出售其姊妹品牌——中部海岸的Tolosa和西班牙的Perinet——的葡萄酒. This gives visitors a chance to 味道 Bordeaux, Burgundian, 和西班牙葡萄酒都在一个地方(甚至可以搭配西班牙炸鸡等美味的食物).

Just across the way from the new collective, ag体育正规的游客终于可以从玛雅卡马斯葡萄园获得古老的葡萄酒. The historic Mt. 成立于1889年的Veeder酒庄一直都是非常独特和与众不同的, but the new Mayacamas Downtown 品酒室可以欢迎比以往更多的人, both conveniently 和 at a fraction of the price.

Sonoma’s WALT 酒s has crossed over the border. 2019年,沃尔特在酒店对面开设了一个新的品酒室 Oxbow Public Market,为纳帕带来独特的勃艮第品酒体验. Book the Root 101 tasting to sample 1,从西海岸的圣巴巴拉到俄勒冈州的威拉米特山谷,通过单一葡萄园装瓶,绵延5000英里的黑皮诺葡萄酒.

Coming soon to downtown 纳帕 is the new Roots Run Deep 品酒室,开业于1901年建造的历史悠久的工匠. 在这里, 游客将能够品尝到该酒庄价格实惠的ag体育正规葡萄酒, 包括他们非常受欢迎的纳帕县赤霞珠, which retails for about $25.

艺术 & 酒 in 纳帕 Valley

1881 纳帕, | Lowell Downey
1881 纳帕, Photo Courtesy of 1881 纳帕 | Lowell Downey

在山谷上游更远的地方,位于传奇的奥克维尔杂货店隔壁, 1881 纳帕 在一栋美丽的白色维多利亚式建筑内打开,你猜对了,建于1881年. A tasting room 和 museum in one, 游客可以品尝来自ag体育正规独特葡萄产区(从卡内罗斯到卡利斯托加)的一系列葡萄酒,同时了解所有关于葡萄酒的历史以及它在ag体育正规的演变过程. The museum is free admission, where you can check out wine relics, antiques, 和 artifacts from Europe 和 California.

In AG体育平台, the br和 new Heron House is a multi-winery tasting room across from the Hotel Villagio. F吃uring eight winery partners, including Bench Vineyards, Eponymous 酒s, Hobel 酒s, Lindstrom 酒s, Myriad Cellars, Steltzner Vineyards, Switchback Ridge, 和 Zeitgeist Cellars, 这个品尝目的地提供的不仅仅是葡萄酒, thanks to a curated collection of art, crafts, 和 gourmet goodies.

Elevated Experiences

食物 pairing at Trefethen | Robb McDonough
食物 pairing at Trefethen, Photo Courtesy of Trefethen Family Vineyards | Robb McDonough

ag体育正规的其他酒庄最近也推出了原创葡萄酒, appointment-only tasting packages, incentivizing visitors to revisit old favorites. 特里菲森家族葡萄园现在有两种美食和葡萄酒体验:品尝庄园和遗产品尝. 后者实际上是由第三代家庭成员主持的, 但这两款酒的原料都来自酒庄令人印象深刻的烹饪花园. 品酒会向ag体育正规烹饪俱乐部致敬, which the Trefethens started in the ’70s, welcoming top chefs from all over the world.

In celebration of its 80th anniversary, Beaulieu Vineyard has cr吃ed the Georges de Latour Experience, 这是为了纪念酿酒厂最珍贵的储备葡萄酒和ag体育正规的第一批cult赤霞珠. 品尝五种不同年份的乔治拉图私人珍藏赤霞珠,跨越几十年,甚至是未来发布的桶样.

Perry Lang's
Perry Lang's, Photo Courtesy of Facebook: Perry Lang's

AG体育平台以其国际美食而闻名, 但是来自The Estate AG体育平台的一家新牛排馆和名人烧烤大师亚当·佩里·朗(Adam Perry Lang)已经到来,将改变这一切. Housed in a two-story mansion built in 1870, Perry Lang’s dining room is masculine, yet luxurious, 餐厅的菜单上展示了主厨的干熟牛肉计划, which goes up to 400+ days for the Reserve Cut.


No time for brunch? 如果你在出去品酒前需要一杯好咖啡和早餐, make a stop at Station 在圣. Helena. 著名的Gott 's Roadside的乔尔·戈特(Joel Gott)的最新项目位于主街附近的一个老式加油站.